Navigating the Slipstream
Cover Art: "The Offering"
by Paul Lewin
"The writer who navigates the slipstream well can take the reader headlong into the vast sea of disruption, a place that shakes us loose from the received ideas present in so much of "literary" and genre fiction. Like Ducornet's forest of the unknown, that sea of disruption seeks always to remind us that the best stories lead us into the dark complexities of life even while moves and TV forever push us into the false light of realism or the empty promise of the Freytag pyramid. The writer willing to navigate the slipstream may not make the New York Times bestseller list or be reviewed in the New York Review of Books. He is probably doomed to haunt the edges of the mainstream, shaking chains and banging shutters in hopes of catching the complete attention of even one believer, but he wouldn't have it any other way."
Peter Grandbois, Fiction Co-Editor
from his essay, "Navigating the Slipstream"

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ISBN: 978-0-9964426-0-2
ISSN: 2162-8211
This issue of Phantom Drift was made possible in part due to a publishing fellowship from Literary Arts, Inc., of Portland, Oregon.
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Paul Lewin
Adam Berlin
Peter Copenhaver
Giovanni De Feo
Anna Lea Jancowicz
Stephen Langlois
Alise Miller
Maggie Nye
Brenda Peynado
C.A. Schaefer
Thomas Wharton
Evan Morgan Williams
Laura Bernstein-Machlay
Mohineet Kaur Boparai
Gray Campbell
Emily Carnevale
Grant Clauser
Jeff Friedman
Thomas Alan Holmes
Michael Keenan
Rebecca Lilly
Mary McMyne
Bruce McRae
John Morrison
Gregg Murray
Kristine Ong Muslim
Ki Russell
Jordan Sanderson
J. J. Steinfeld
Trevor Tingle
Peter Grandbois
Matt Schumacher
Alfredo Benavidez Bedoya